Page 10 - IEC Insights May-Jun20
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                                                FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK
        Spenser Villwock, MNM, CAE, Publisher
        RaeShawn Crosson, Editor-in-Chief    Business Continuity

        ADVERTISING                          & the Coronavirus
        Christy Ronaldson, CAE
        Director of Business Development &
        Industry Partnerships
        (703) 650-0052                       Raeshawn Crosson here. I am working remotely these days, as many of you are, keeping                  a safe distance from the outside world. We have all experienced closures due to snow
                                             blizzards and storms but never for COVID-19, and never for an uncertain amount of time.
        DESIGN/ART DIRECTION                 This is new territory for all of us; however, I see it as an opportunity to reset and assess our
        Think Baseline                       infrastructure. We need to ensure that we have processes in place.
        PRINTING                             To date, there have been an exponential number of positive COVID-19 cases across the
        Mount Royal Printing                 United States. Unfortunately, those numbers will continue to rise and increased safety
                                             protocols on the jobsite will grow. As our field has been deemed essential, the situation
        2020 IEC NATIONAL OFFICERS           in every city and state will differ. The goal of ending the pandemic may prevail in many
        President                            places and all construction may have to be delayed or stop.
        Candy Branham, Saint Charles, Missouri
        Treasurer                            Our first priority is protecting the health and safety of our colleagues and members. All
        Janet Martin, Frederick, Colorado    businesses have a key role to play in minimizing the likelihood of transmission and impact
        Secretary                            on society. Early, bold, and effective action will reduce short-term risks to employees and
        Troy Corrigan, Louisville, Kentucky  long-term costs to businesses and the economy.
        Vice President
        Steve Humphrey, Jr., Richland Hills, Texas   To aid in this collective effort, IEC will regularly send updated advice to our network of
        Immediate Past President             over 2,500 contractor members so that businesses everywhere can take informed and
        Gary Golka, Mesa, Arizona            effective action to protect their workers, customers, and local communities, and contribute
                                             to the production and distribution of essential supplies. In March 2020, we established
        Insights is published in January/February,   an internal task force that meets daily to monitor the global situation and to discuss and
        March/April, May/June, July/August,   implement appropriate actions for our members. We aim to provide our members with the
        September/October, and November/
        December by the Independent Electrical   knowledge necessary to maintain a healthy workforce in a safe environment.
        Contractors, Inc.
                                             As an immediate priority, businesses should be developing or updating, readying or
                                             implementing, business continuity plans. Business continuity plans should aim to reduce
        Insights                             transmission by promoting understanding of the disease, its symptoms, and appropriate
        Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.
        2900 S. Quincy St., Suite 720        behavior among employees; setting up a reporting system for any cases and contacts;
        Arlington, VA 22206                  preparing essentials; limiting travel and physical connectivity; and planning for measures
        Tel: (703) 549-7351                  such as teleworking when necessary.
        Fax: (703) 549-7448                         We will get through this together!

                                             Be safe and remain blessed.

        Established in
        1957, IEC is a trade                                                              As a reader, we are interested
        association with more                                                             in hearing from you. If you
        than 3,300 company                                                                have a specific topic you
        members and 51                                                                    would like to see covered in
        chapters nationwide.                                                              an upcoming issue or a new
        Headquartered                                             RAESHAWN CROSSON        delivery method, please contact
        in Alexandria, Virginia, IEC is the nation’s              Editor-In-Chief, Insights
        premier trade association representing                                            the Insights Editorial Staff at
        America’s independent electrical and systems              IEC National  
        contractors. IEC National aggressively works
        with the industry to establish a competitive
        environment for the merit shop — a
        philosophy that promotes the concept of free
        enterprise, open competition, and economic
        opportunity for all.
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