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                                              WELL, IT’S


                                                                                                 BY NED JOHNS

          Frankly, haven’t we seen enough    time, even though that is true for me.    the health and welfare of people across
                                                                                this country and throughout the world.
                                             I won’t go through the details of my
          statistics, watched enough videos,   personal life event because, honestly, we
          and taken enough classes to support   have online access to plenty of well-  I believe that having an ESP with well-
          the value of implementing a genuine   written articles and well-documented   developed ESWP shows that we honor
                                                                                and respect each other, and that we
                                             examples about people who have survived
          and effective Electrical Safety    or those who have died and of the lives   sincerely value the lives and the safety of
          Plan (ESP) with Electrical Safety-  and businesses that have been impacted   the electricians who are doing the work
          related Work Practices (ESWP)?     by avoidable electrical industry incidents.  that is so vital to our daily lives.

          Right now, you might be thinking…   We work in a very honorable trade. One   However, I still see far too many
          Here we go again, another story about   which many people can’t do or are afraid   electricians and electrical contractors
          electrical safety and someone’s life being   to do (rightfully so). Electricians do so   that are casual or complacent about
          transformed by their personal experience   much more that simply “keeping the lights   the everyday electrical hazards they
          surviving a near fatal incident. NO, not this   on,” the work we do really is essential to   encounter, and, though many have

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