Page 10 - IEC Insights Jan-Feb2020
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                                              FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK
        Spenser Villwock, MNM, CAE, Publisher                   I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season, and while you are
        RaeShawn Crosson, Editor-in-Chief    about to ignite 2020, I wanted to send you very hearty New Year’s                    wishes from everyone here at IEC. I will use this space to highlight
                                             some New Year’s resolutions from those around the industry.
        Christy Ronaldson, CAE               And I will kick it off with my own. I once again resolve to eat less, take more
        Director of Business Development     vitamins and mentally train for a marathon — this is my year! I also intend
        & Industry Partnerships              to judge people less, starting now. This goes out to the lady who I saw
        (703) 650-0052                       merging onto the highway holding a cell phone in one hand and eating a
                                             doughnut in the other and, I can only imagine, steering with her kneecaps.
        DESIGN/ART DIRECTION                 Check out some New Year’s resolutions from around our network:
        Think Baseline
                                             "LISTEN, do are better job of listening to my peers, clients, co-workers
        PRINTING                              and keep an open mind to what they are saying."
        Mount Royal Printing
                                             –Bret Martin, Bret’s Electric, IEC Rock Mountain
        2020 IEC NATIONAL OFFICERS           "My goal as a business owner is to spend more time with Workforce
        President                            Development and working with High Schools and Technical Colleges to
        Candy Branham, Saint Charles, Missouri
                                             let them know what a great opportunity our industry has to offer to
        Treasurer                            young individuals."
        Janet Martin, Frederick, Colorado    –Kristen Williams, Penco Electrical Contractors, Inc., IEC Atlanta
        Troy Corrigan, Louisville, Kentucky  "Have more appreciation for what God has done for us."
        Vice President
        Steve Humphrey, Jr., Richland Hills, Texas   –Mark Kredit, Kredit Electric, Inc., Montana IEC
        Immediate Past President
        Gary Golka, Mesa, Arizona            "After some thought, I realized that all the things that work well for me are
                                             due to the guidance or assistance of others so in 2020 I resolve to actively
        Insights is published in January/    recognize all the good in my life and show my appreciation to those around
        February, March/April, May/June,     me who make my life better every day."
        July/August, September/October,      –Don Aragón, VA Electric, Northern New Mexico IEC
        and November/December by the
        Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.
                                             I hope you’ve enjoyed the last 12 months of IEC. We love this industry and
                                             I hope it shows on the pages of our magazine, on our Website and on our
        Insights                             LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook pages. Have a great 2020.
        Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.
        2900 S. Quincy St., Suite 720
        Arlington, VA 22206
        Tel: (703) 549-7351
        Fax: (703) 549-7448                                                              As a reader, we are interested in hearing from
                                                                                  you. If you have a specific topic you would like
                                                                                  to see covered in an upcoming issue or a new
                                             RAESHAWN CROSSON                     delivery method, please contact the Insights
                                             Editor-In-Chief, Insights            Editorial Staff at
                                             IEC National

        Established in
        1957, IEC is a trade
        association with more
        than 3,300 company
        members and 51   INDEPENDENT ELECTRICAL
        chapters nationwide.   CONTRACTORS
        in Alexandria, Virginia, IEC is the nation’s
        premier trade association representing
        America’s independent electrical and systems
        contractors. IEC National aggressively
        works with the industry to establish a
        competitive environment for the merit
        shop — a philosophy that promotes the
        concept of free enterprise, open competition,
        and economic opportunity for all.    8   Insights Magazine | January/February 2020 |
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