Page 13 - IEC Insights Jan-Feb2019
P. 13

Let’s clear the
                                                                                 smoke on this issue –

                                                                                 the expanding
                                                                                 societal acceptance

                                                                                 and legalization

                                                                                 of marijuana
                                                                                 usage (medical or

                                                                                 recreational) poses a

                                                                                 substantial workplace
                                                                                 safety issue on

                                                                                 construction job

                                                                                 sites. Contractors
                                                                                 should take

                                                                                 immediate action
                                                                                 to address this

                                                                                 expanding risk.

                                                                                 NEGATIVE EFFECTS

                                                                                 Regardless of the strength of the
                                                                                 arguments for or against medical
                                                                                 marijuana usage for what are
                                                                                 understandably difficult personal
                                                                                 circumstances, none are more compelling
                                                                                 than providing a safe construction
                                                                                 worksite for employees and the public.
                                                                                 Construction workers must have full
                                                                                 use of their skills and faculties while
                                                                                 performing all aspects of their jobs.
                                                                                 Medical marijuana may have positive
                                                                                 medical benefits, but there are also
                                                                                 well-documented negative effects. Some
                                                                                 negative effects to the central nervous
                                                                                 system include changes in sensory
                                                                                 perception, altered thought formation and
                                                                                 expression, short-term memory problems,
                                                                                 and impaired thinking and learning.
                                                                                 Negative physical effects include impaired
                                                                                 motor performance, loss of balance and
                                                                                 coordination, decreased attentiveness
                                                                                 and alertness, prolonged response time

                                                           |  January/February 2019  |  Insights Magazine  11
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