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              People Teaching People

          By Gary Golka

         I                                   geared for producing professional
             hope you enjoy this issue of Insights
             with its focus on training. Over the
                                             electricians. It uses technology where
                                             it makes sense and provides value.
             years, I have run into contractors
             who don’t provide much training
                                             And IEC training is people based, like
             for their employees. Usually when
                                             in people training people, and we
          I am asking them if they would like to   most of your business is. We believe   will grant us a favor. Please consider
                                                                                making yourself a part of the many IEC
          belong to IEC, we have a conversation   reinforce learning with technology.   people that are teaching people. Be the
          about their current training. Some of the                             one that provides that ‘aha!’ moment
          answers: 1) “Why pay to train someone   Nothing replaces the ‘aha!’ moment that   to someone. Use your management
          so my competitor can hire them away?,”   comes when a teacher (a professional   time to actually teach a class to your
          2) “I don’t need electricians, I just need   journeyman or contractor by day) is   employees or your peers at your chapter
          installers,” 3) “If I train too much, I just   available when the learner is on the cusp   or at a National event, be involved in
          have to pay more,” 4) Why train my   of understanding and can provide that   the Apprenticeship and Training (A&T)
          future competitors?,” and 5) (my personal   key piece of information that unlocks   committee at your chapter, be involved
          favorite) “I’ll just wait until you get them   the last mystery standing in the way of   in a National committee like A&T or
          trained and hire them away from you!”  full enlightenment. Both parties benefit   Professional Development. Help write a
                                             from that moment. Technical texts and   30-60 minute lesson on new codes or
          Yes, training costs time and money, but   illustrations cannot cover the situational   products in our industry that you have
          those costs are only exceeded by the   contexts that a journeyman can provide to   experienced from work at your company.
          myriad costs of NOT training. Those   bring a deeper understanding of codes or   Provide just a bit of that most valuable
          are many, ranging from fines for not   troubleshooting. IEC builds training that   resource – your time spent to make our
          complying with regulations, doing   allows, encourages and promotes those   association and our industry great.
          work over two or three times, failing   moments that produce true professionals.
          inspections, having injuries... Perhaps the                           Your time and the wealth of knowledge,
          biggest cost is in losing employees that   Studies show that today’s young members   wisdom, and experience that comes with
          want to be trained, and being left with   of our work force are interested in   it, is the front half of the IEC education
          employees that don’t care if they are   education, but not necessarily college and   equation: People (that’s you) teaching
          trained or not. I believe that education   the debt that often accompanies it. Like a   People. You will get a reward in moments
          matters to you, your employees and   game, they do want to see a clear path to   from learners and your peers that are
          your company. If you are an IEC member,   a winning goal of a career with achievable,   participating in IEC’s truly professional
          I am probably preaching to the choir.   rewardable steps along the way. They   approach to a credential that becomes
          Education is the only way we can keep   want to be educated, to have one or   a career. The gift of your time is the
          up with constant revisions to codes and   even better, several stackable credentials   favor I am asking, after all, somebody
          standards, changing and new technology   that allow them peer recognition,   spent their time on you, didn’t they?
          that will alter the way you work and the   professional respect and portability.
          products you use. Education allows you
          a path towards differentiating your team   I believe you wouldn’t be reading this if   Gary is the President of Golka Electric, Inc.,
          from many other companies, it promotes   you didn’t believe in educating yourself.   a family-owned electrical contracting firm
          and allows your people to display true   If it is important for you, it is important   located in Mesa, Arizona. Gary has twice
          professionalism, and it allows you to   for the talent you have in your company.   served as President of IECA of Arizona. As
          build a business for the long haul.  There are costs, but the reward is clear for   an advocate for electrical education and
                                             the long-term professional business you   training, Gary has served as a Director
          So, if training is important to your   are building for the 21st century. My hope   of the Mountain Southwest Region, and
          success, why use IEC training, especially   is that after you read the articles in this   as a member and Chairman of the IEC
                                                                                National A&T Committee. He was elected
          apprenticeship? IEC has technical content   issue – you will have a great perspective   to the IEC National Executive Committee
          that is written by electrical professionals   on IEC education in our industry – you
                                                                                in 2016 and now serves as President.

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